The MAC-address is required in order to generate a license for our products both node-locked or floating licenses.
Via Craft Director Studio
Please note: This requires that you already have Craft Director Studio installed on the workstation.
Open Craft Director Studio in your 3D Program.
Open the License Manager via the Main menu.
On the right side of the License Manager you are able to find a box displaying your different MAC-addresses (for example “f45c898a01a5”).
Via the Command Prompt:
Open the Start Menu and type cmd and hit enter. This should open the Command Prompt
In the Command Prompt type the command ipconfig /all and hit enter.
The Ethernet MAC-address is listed next to “Physical Address…”. Please find the one listed under “Ethernet adaptor…” (for example “F4-5C-89-8A-01-A5”).
Mac OSX / Linux
Via the Terminal:
Open the Terminal
In the Terminal type the command “ifconfig” and hit enter.
Under the “en0:” (or similar ethernet adaptor) section you are able to find the MAC-address after “ether” (for example “f4:5c:89:8a:01:a5”).
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