Craft ObserverCam takes Craft Director Studio to yet another level, combining the technology of several previous products and adding yet another layer. This camera is more abstract – it does not recreate the movements of a reality-based camera. Craft ObserverCam can be moved in any direction in real time. Link/Parent Craft ObserverCam to any object and it will move relative to the object. This is what makes Craft ObserverCam such a fantastic and ground-breaking tool for observing animated objects without having to add extra cameras at strategic points.
A simple-to-use shake feature is included to add a live feel in explosions or fly-bys. Craft ObserverCam can be used iteratively in a layer-like fashion where multiple cameras are linked and moved relative to one another, one at a time, adding zoom and extra motion. Craft ObserverCam can also be used to film from vehicles or to manually steer gun turrets, doors, etc when linked to a parent.
![]() It’s wise to optimize the scene before starting to recording the animation. The scene is optimized by decreasing the amount of polygons shown during the recording. This is achieved by hiding objects not crucial to the part of the scene to be animated. Another tip is to use Craft Bounding Poly, which temporary lowers the amount of polygons for selected objects and allows for a smoother recording. |
Select the Craft ObserverCam in the tool tree list and click on the Input settings button in the tool bar. This will open the input settings window for Craft ObserverCam.
Moves the camera forward/backward.
Moves the camera right/left.
Moves the camera up/down.
Rotates the camera (yaw).
Rotates the camera (pitch).
Rotates the camera (roll).
Shakes the camera.
The camera’s up/down movement (pitch) will simulate a walk cycle.
When the Transl MemRegulator is applied, Craft ObserverCam will automatically go to the memorized position (which is saved with “Save MemReg State”).
When the Orient MemRegulator is applied, Craft ObserverCam will automatically turn towards the memorized position (which is saved with “Save MemReg State”).
Saves the current position of the camera.
Rolls the camera to a horizontal state again.
Spinners enables the change of parameter values with an input controller in real-time.
Hide Helpers
Hides the Helpers.
Hide Helpers During Recording
Hides the Helpers during recording.
Hide Camera
Hides the Camera.
Relative Scale
This value can be used to adjust all of the camera’s movement settings to the scene’s scale. A higher value will increase the movement of the camera which can be needed in a scene using a big scale as working units(meter, yard, kilometer, etc.).
The Humanoid dummy gives a good scale representation of the current Relative Scale. It is possible to scale the ObserverCam directly in the scene to change the Relative Scale.
Shaker Fade Out Factor
How fast/slow the shake effect fades when the input is no longer applied.
Walk Cycle Fade Out Factor
How fast/slow the walk cycle fades when the input is no longer applied.
Walk Cycle Frequency
A value for how fast/slow the walk cycle simulates walking.
Field Of View
The field of view.
Target Distance
Distance to the target.
Forw/Backw Speed Response Factor
How fast the camera accelerates and decelerates (forward/backward).
Forw/Backw Speed Maximum
Maximum forward/backward speed of the camera.
Right/Left Speed Response Factor
How fast the camera accelerates and decelerates (right/left).
Right/Left Speed Maximum
Maximum right/left speed of the camera.
Up/Down Speed Response Factor
How fast the camera accelerates and decelerates (up/down).
Up/Down Speed Maximum
Maximum up/down speed of the camera.
Yaw Speed (Right/Left) Response Factor
How fast the camera’s rotational movement accelerates and decelerates (yaw right/left).
Yaw Speed (Right/Left) Maximum
Maximum (yaw) rotation speed of the camera.
Pitch Speed (Up/Down) Response Factor
How fast the camera’s rotational movement accelerates and decelerates (pitch up/down).
Pitch Speed (Up/Down) Maximum
Maximum (pitch) rotation speed of the camera.
Roll Speed (Right/Left) Response Factor
How fast the camera’s rotational movement accelerates and decelerates (roll right/left).
Roll Speed (Right/Left) Maximum
Maximum (roll) rotation speed of the camera.
Cam Shaker Amplitude Response Factor
A value for how fast this function will react to the input. A value of 1 yields instant reaction and a lower value will add a fade in for the reaction.
Cam Shaker Amplitude Maximum
How much force the camera is shook with when the input is applied.
Walk Cycle Amplitude Response Factor
A value for how fast this function will react to the input. A value of 1 yields instant reaction and a lower value will add a fade in for the reaction.
Walk Cycle Amplitude Maximum
How high/low the camera will pitch up/down between during the walk cycle simulation.
Transl MemRegulator Response Factor
A value for how fast this function will react to the input. A value of 1 yields instant reaction and a lower value will add a fade in for the reaction.
Transl MemRegulator Maximum
How fast the camera moves to the saved position.
Orient MemRegulator Response Factor
A value for how fast this function will react to the input. A value of 1 yields instant reaction and a lower value will add a fade in for the reaction.
Orient MemRegulator Maximum
How fast the camera rotates when orienting to the saved position.
Save MemReg State Response Factor
This function is not used.
Save MemReg State Maximum
This function is not used.
Anti-Roll Regulator Response Factor
A value for how fast this function will react to the input. A value of 1 yields instant reaction and a lower value will add a fade in for the reaction.
Anti-Roll Regulator Maximum
How fast the camera is regulated back to a horizontal state.