Craft SphericalPlay is a passive tool for introducing mechanical plays.
It can be used for creating more realistic interaction between objects during acceleration/deceleration or general movement.
![]() It’s wise to optimize the scene before starting to recording the animation. The scene is optimized by decreasing the amount of polygons shown during the recording. This is achieved by hiding objects not crucial to the part of the scene to be animated. Another tip is to use Craft Bounding Poly, which temporary lowers the amount of polygons for selected objects and allows for a smoother recording. |
Spinners enables the change of parameter values with an input controller in real-time.
Hide Helpers
Hides the Helpers.
Hide Helpers During Recording
Hides the Helpers during recording.
Play Wall Friction
How large the friction is inside of the play. If 0 the slider will glide for a long time, if large it will stop quickly.
Allow Slight Rebounce
If checked there will be a small rebounce when the slider hits the wall.